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Instructions for applicants for filling online application form
  • Candidates must ensure that they possess the required qualifications and meet the eligibility criteria for the specified course/training
  • Modifications in the application, if any, shall be permitted only upto the last date of application submission,for that you will send request on E-mail. After this date, no changes shall be permitted in the application and in case any candidate has wrongly filled up any details, his/her application shall be summarily rejected on this ground.
  • The candidates are required to maintain the email id and mobile number, submitted by them at the time of applying for the Registration, till the end of this Admission process, as the IIDTC will send intimations to the candidates through these mediums only.
  • Candidates are expected to visit IIDTC website regularly for the latest information..
General Declaration
  • I hereby declare that I fulfil all the educational/ other eligibility criteria prescribed for the Course/Training being applied for, as on the last date of application. I am aware that in case any of the information submitted by me is found to be incorrect or false, then my candidature shall be liable to be Rejected by the IIDTC.
  • I hereby declare that all the entries/ statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read all term & condition. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detect before or after Admission, the Institute can take action against me as per rule. In case it is detected that I have misled IIDTC on any issue then I will solely responsible for all penal consequences thereof.